
Eden Tech, France
EdenTech is a French start-up that creates microfluidic solutions to revolutionize industry. Its pioneering biomimetic-inspired devices offer compact systems of high physico-chemical performance dedicated to green technologies, supported by innovative microfabrication tools for accelerated innovation.

Emmanuel Roy

Wei Zhao

Rosalba Gomez

Abhilash Venkateshaiah

Jules Calvy

Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Power Sources Group is formed in the Institute of Chemistry and Technical Electrochemistry at Poznan University of Technology in Poland. It is a group of scientists working in the area of electrochemical energy storage devices and water electrolysis. Our primary research focus is related to electrochemical capacitors, lithium-ion cells and their hybrids, redox flow battery as well as catalytic processes and electrochemical hydrogen storage. The most often used electrode materials are: activated carbons, carbon nanotubes, graphene, various composites, alloys, chalcogenides. The group constitutes of two group leader professors, well recognisable in the scientific community, associate professors, post-docs, PhD candidates and Master students. The numerous European and national scientific projects enabled to build a team of high expertise and well-equipped facilities. The group achievements, news about members can be seen on the website

Prof. Dr. Elżbieta Frąckowiak

Dr. Eng. Adam Ślesiński

Eng. Bartosz Nowacki

Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
The chair of Electric Energy Storage Systems is located in the Institute of Electric Power Systems (IfES) at the Leibniz University Hannover, Germany. The focus is on the design and operation of interlinked energy and material conversion systems as well as the development of selected components and processes. Our group acts as a bridge between a variety of concentration areas within the engineering discipline, such as, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Energy Technology and Computer Science as well as selected branches from the Natural Science and Economics Institutes.
We are intensively dealing on hydrogen systems, including water electrolysis, hydrogen storage and fuel cells. On the one hand we are strongly considering cell level development, including e.g. material issues and gas purity in dependence of operating conditions. Additionally, we are optimizing the components in context of the energy system, i.e. e.g. considering electrolysers regarding pressure level in context of gas purification and compression in dependence of application.

Prof. Richard Hanke-Rauschenbach

Dr. Ing. Boris Bensmann

Dr. Ing. Astrid Bensmann

Nils-Eric Rahm, Msc.

Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
The Energy Technology Section is part of the Process and Energy Department of the Mechanical Engineering faculty at the Delft University of Technology.
Research and education focus on the design and modeling of thermal energy conversion systems, with a focus on renewable energy. Our lively group consists of around 35 scientific staff members (professors, research associates and PhD students) and, at any time, approximately 40 M.Sc. students. We also manage excellent research facilities. The group has a long history that dates back to the 1960’s.

Willem Haverkort

Jelmer Postma

Clausthal University of Technology, Germany
TU Clausthal (TUC) is one of the most dynamically developing centers of science and education in Europe. This is evidenced by its high volume of third-party resources and the many successful partnerships it maintains with universities, research institutions, and businesses throughout the world. Around 85 professors, 3,500 students, and 1,100 employees enjoy landscapes of the Upper Harz amid sites of UNESCO World Heritage.
The Institute of Chemical and Electrochemical Process Engineering (ICVT) of Clausthal University of Technology is an expert in fuel cells, batteries and electrolysis processes and engineering. This includes not only methods for electrode preparation and physico-chemical and electrochemical characterization but also operation of full electrolysis cells and shortstacks for performance assessment. The institute belongs to the faculty of mathematics/informatics and mechanical engineering and is a part of the Energy Research Centre of Lower Saxony (EFZN).

Prof. Dr. Ing. Thomas Turek

Dr. Ing. Maik Becker

Lydia Weseler, M. Sc.

Dr. Aleksandra Gladkova

University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
UCLM is a young university, with a high teaching and research potential. It has four campuses located in four cities: Albacete, Ciudad Real, Cuenca and Toledo. It is a modern, competitive institution, which hosted 25.407 students, 1.751 lecturers and researchers and 1.130 administrative and services staff members during the academic course 2019-2020. This implies having a great human capital at the institution, making it a smart option for those who wish to improve their lifelong learning and also for international students who chase their academic, vital or language enrichment. UCLM integrates 36 academic departments offering 64 degree qualifications, having two peculiar features: a) it is multi-disciplinary, undertaking work in practically all branches of knowledge; and b) its activities are very wide-ranging, embracing the spectrum from basic research to technological development. Moreover, UCLM possesses an important attractiveness for industry, since they are able to find opportunities to optimize their Research and Development (R&D) options for the wide research catalogue through their Knowledge and Technology Transfer Office (

Prof. Justo Lobato

Prof. Manuel A. Rodrigo

Prof. Pablo Cañizares

Prof. Cristina Sáez

Dr. Carmen M. Fernández- Marchante

Dr. Engracia Lacasa
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