A Biomimetic Microfluidic Electrolyzer
MacGHyver is the acronym for the Microfluidic wAstewater treatment and Creation of Green HYdrogen Via Electrochemical Reactions. MacGhyver produces green hydrogen from wastewater using innovation in high-volume microfluidics, non-CRM electrodes, and electrochemical compression. The design consists of modular, stackable units, capable of small to large-scale production volume. The novel components (microfluidic electrolyzer, electrochemical compressor, separator) are combined with existing renewable energy sources, for maximum sustainability. Design and development are guided by the life-cycle analysis of each system.
A Biomimetic Microfluidic Electrolyzer
MacGhyver is the acronym for the Microfluidic wastewater treatment and Creation of Green Hydrogen Via Electrochemical Reactions. MacGhyver produces green hydrogen from wastewater using innovation in high-volume microfluidics, non-CRM electrodes, and electrochemical compression. The design consists of modular, stackable units, capable of small to large-scale production volume. The novel components (microfluidic electrolyzer, electrochemical compressor, separator) are combined with existing renewable energy sources, for maximum sustainability. Design and development are guided by the life-cycle analysis of each system.
MacGhyver WP's
The MacGhyver project is divided into 8 different Work Packages
This work package focuses on the precise management of the agreement. Its key responsability project, aligning activities with the objectives outlined in the garanties include coordinating effective communication amon project partners, and with The European Comission to ensure the project’s seamless implementation. Serving as a lipchin fo success, the work package encompasses strategic alignment, meticulous oversight, and adherence to regulatory guidelines, contributing to the overall success of the project.
The work package involves the development of electrodes for both the microfluidics electrolyzer and hydrogen compression, emphazing the creation of sustainable composite electrodes. Key aspects of this effort include the selection of non-CRM materials, comprehensive characterization of electrochemical performance, specification of requirements, and the adaptation of electrolytes to optimize performance in wastewater environments.
Within the confines of this work package, the primary focus is on the development of the microfluidic electrolyzer. The activities encompass refining the design for enhanced efficiency, specifically concentrating on electrode separation and considerations related to flow rate. COMSOL Multiphysics simulations will be utilized to verify the creation of a well-organized, low-pressure network. Furthermore, there is a fabrication phase utilizing 3D Printers and other microfabrication techniques, utlimately integrating the electrodes developed within WP2.
The work package centers on Electrochemical Compression, Separation and Storage solutions and involves modeling and optimizing an electrochemical hydrogen/oxygen compressor. Additionally, it involves integrating the compressor into the microfluidic electrolyzer. The WP also covers the procurement of renewable energy sources and pump selection to ensure operational compatibility. Focusing on the separation solution, the aim is to optimize gas stream quality while addressing energy balance and enhancing overall system efficiency.
This work package involves assembling components into a compact, low-carbon hydrogen production unit. It develops a comprehensive technical model for the MacGhyver system and components to guide optimal design, control strategies, and benchmarking. Operational management optimization focuses on enhancing reliability, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness while considering fluctuating renewable energy inputs. The final stage includes assembling and operating the MacGhyver demonstrator, integrating the microfluidic electrolyzer, EHC demonstrator, and separator.
This work package centers on the sustainability dimension of the project, encompassing the evaluation of MacGhyver’s environmental footprint and life-cycle costs throughout the green hydrogen production stages. It entails defining cost-effectiveness and conducting risk-mitigation analysis for the microfluidic electrolyzer, and the electrochemical storage-compression system. Additionally, it involves assessing the socio-economic impact of the project.
This work package is pivotal for affective informations sharing, outreach, and visibility. It disseminates research outcomes to diverse audiences and enhance the project’s visibility through various channels. This WP facilitates engagement with stakeholders, creates networking opportunities, and ensures compliance with EU communication guidelines. By actively promoting the project’s activities and fostering collaboration, it plays a crucial role in maximizing the project’s impact and success. Furthermore, it focuses on translating project outcomes into practical applications, maximizing their societal and economic benefits.
This work package of the MacGhyver project represents a groundbreaking initiative led by the European Innovation Council (EIC), aimed at uniting nine carefully selected projects, including MacGhyver. The collective objective is to collaboratively tackle the complex challenge of pioneering innovative approaches to Green Hydrogen production.
Overarching Goals
Current Benchmark
50 - 83 kWh/kg
45% - 78 %
700-1400 $/kWel
1 - 12 kg CO2/ kg H2
Electrical Use
Energy Efficiency
Capital Cost
Carbon Footprint
MacGhyver Goal
< 45 kWh/kg
> 90%
200 $/kWel
1kg CO2/ kg H2
Overarching Goals
Current Benchmark
50 - 83 kWh/kg
45% - 78 %
700-1400 $/kWel
1 - 12 kg CO2/ kg H2
Electrical Use
Energy Efficiency
Capital Cost
Carbon Footprint
MacGhyver Goal
< 45 kWh/kg
> 90%
200 $/kWel
1kg CO2/ kg H2
Raw material selection Electrolyzer design Project’s website & Dissemination plan
September 2022
Main results: Scale-up design Electrochemical compressor Energy calculator for the system model
September 2023
Main results: System integration Wastewater electrolysis Life Cycle Analysis & Cost (LCA & LCC)
September 2024
Main results: Final performance characteristics Upgraded LCA & LCC POC Validation
September 2025
MacGhyver system validated in a lab.
September 2026
Industrial pilots
Business partnerships
Further developments
September 2028
Raw material selection Electrolyzer design Project’s website & Dissemination plan
September 2022
Main results: Scale-up design Electrochemical compressor Energy calculator for the system model
September 2023
Main results: System integration Wastewater electrolysis Life Cycle Analysis & Cost (LCA & LCC)
September 2024
Main results: Final performance characteristics Upgraded LCA & LCC POC Validation
September 2025
September 2026
Industrial pilots
Business partnerships
Further developments
September 2028
Technological Novelties
Technological Novelties


ELECTROCHEMICAL Compression & Separation

MINIATURIZED ELECTROLYZER Biomimetic & Microfluidics

Viable benchmark for sustainability
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